Upper Extremity | Articles

What Does a Torn Biceps Feel Like, and Does It Require Surgery?

You don’t have to look like Popeye or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to experience a torn biceps muscle. While some are definitely bigger and more prominent than others, everyone has biceps muscles and can be prone to injuring them. ...

Clavicle ORIF Surgery Helps 20-Year-Old Cyclist Heal Before the Little 500

Spring break for college students often means taking trips for fun in the sun, but that wasn’t the plan for one hardworking elite student-athlete. This year, Josh H., a 20-year-old IU student, spent mid-March training on a track for his...

How a Ballroom Dancer With a Bicep Tear Got His Groove Back

For Doug P., not getting back on the dance floor wasn’t an option. Doug took the lead on his recovery after others told him his dancing days were over because of a bicep tear injury. He sought a second opinion...

Dr. Kaplan is First Surgeon in the Indiana to Perform Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Dr. F. Thomas D. Kaplan, the Fellowship Director at the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center, is the first surgeon in the Indiana to perform patient-specific reverse total shoulder replacement surgery. The surgery is first planned prior to the day...

Dr. Kaplan Performs Shoulder Replacement Surgery with Real-Time Intra-Operative Navigation

Dr. Kaplan, the Fellowship Director at the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center, is the first surgeon in the Indianapolis metropolitan area to perform patient-specific shoulder replacement surgery with real-time intra-operative navigation. Using the Exactech GPS (Guided Personalized Surgery) tools,...
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